Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017

Emotional Freedom Technique: Emotional Disturbance and the Happy Tappers

Nearly everybody has some sort of phobia or skeleton in their closet that could do with being dealt with. Whether it is something that happened in your teens or adulthood, a phobia of flying or maybe of public speaking, then a reasonably new procedure called Emotional Freedom Technique could be for you!

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a therapy that is rapidly gaining favour amongst many people from many walks of life - including Hollywood superstars. Many therapists such as Hypnotherapists, Psychotherapists, Councillors and even medical staff are learning the benefits for their clients.

Whilst EFT looks like quite a strange technique at first and seems not too dissimilar to the realms of tree hugging and other new age techniques it seems to work and for most people that's all that counts. I myself have used EFT in therapy with my clients and have achieved some amazing results, sometimes where nothing else has worked.

So what is EFT and what will it do for you?

Well... this is a massive question; however I will have a go at giving you the best answer that I can.

EFT is a process of tapping on certain parts of your body whilst occasionally humming and moving your eyes in certain directions all at the same time as thinking about the issue that is making you feel bad.

There... I did say it would seem a bit strange; however don't let this put you off. The creators of EFT say that it works by clearing emotional blockages in our energy system. This is unlikely as the energy system or Meridians have never been proven to exist so this theory is just that - a theory.

The much more logical explanation is that it desensitises and alters the image that you run through your mind when you think about your phobia or an issue that is upsetting you.

You see, each time we experience something like a phobia we run a picture trough our minds of what 'might happen'. It is this that makes us feel bad and not actually being in the situation as this is just a trigger for the phobic response.

By running through this picture in your head, whilst doing things like humming, tapping and moving your eyes, this allows your mind to experience the image differently. It allows the image to morph, thus allowing you to feel differently about it.

Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017

Guilt and Shame - Emotional Freedom Techniques for Effective Coping

Freeing yourself from guilt of the past:

    Identify the beginning of the guilt, when did you first feel guilty or ashamed about something?
    What persons were involved?
    What emotions do you remember experiencing?
    How did you react?
    What emotional response do you get as you think of it now?
    Where do you feel that emotion in your body at this moment?
    What intensity is the emotional/physical feeling if "0" represents no intensity and "10" represents maxed out or the worst you have ever felt?

Now, let's apply this information using Emotional Freedom Techniques.
Emotional Freedom Techniques is a treatment developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford University educated engineer with no health care background. He works off of the techniques of Roger Callahan and other pioneers in the energy psychology field.
Here are the general steps to this simple effective technique:

    Take the three middle fingers of one hand and tap lightly on the fleshy part of the side of the other hand, just below the little finger. This part is called the 'setup phrase' and sets the stage for the process.
    Make your setup phrase simple and repeat it three times as you tap on your hand
    The setup phrase goes like this: "Even though I have had this guilt since (i.e.: Mother told me I was too fat to play softball at age 8), I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself. I forgive myself, (Mother), my higher power, anyone or anything else that may have contributed to this guilt, and I release any anger, judgment or criticism I still may hold for any of them."
    Fill in your own words to describe your situation, then highlight, copy and paste your statement into a text or word file .
    Now, choose a reminder phrase that represents the gist of the problem, be as specific as you can. i.e.: this guilt I feel in my gut, at an intensity of 7", highlight, copy and paste it into your text or word file with your setup phrase and repeat it as you tap through the sequence of points listed: With the fingertips of one hand cupped together, tap 7-10 taps on each point:
        the inside of your eyebrow (either side) on the bony part,
        next the outside of your eye, on the bony part,
        next the cheekbone just under your eye,
        then just under your nose, above your lip,
        next on the midpoint between lower lip and chin,
        next the point a little to the side of where your collarbone meets your breastbone,
        next just under your arm, about halfway between your armpit and your waist,
        next on top of your head>
    as you go through the tapping, if something else comes up, like "I remember feeling this way when (fill in your experience)", then notice that feeling and continue to tap

    repeat this process until nothing comes up while you tap, and your original intensity of feeling is down to "0" both physically and emotionally.

Try this technique for guilt and see what you can accomplish.