Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017

Can Someone Else Teach You the Emotional Freedom Technique?

You've probably heard good things about the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, and you want to learn how to do it yourself. You may want to learn EFT for your own personal reasons, or to help others through EFT. Is the Emotional Freedom Technique something that you can learn on your own, or should you take a course?

Ideally, you will download the free manual that is available from the founder of EFT, Gary Craig. You should read through that manual, and learn as much as you can from it on your own. However, if you are very serious about learning EFT - and especially if you are learning EFT to help other people, you will want to take a more extensive course for the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Once you've learned EFT, if you want to help others through these methods, you can get certified to practice EFT. Note that certification is not actually required, but it is recommended. Learning EFT does not make you a doctor or a psychologist, and it is important that anyone that you work with using EFT methods understand this. Just as they must use common sense and good judgment, you must as well.

With EFT certification, you are entitled to refer to yourself as a Certified EFT Practitioner - nothing more, and nothing less, unless you already have other types of certification. It is also important to find out what your state's requirements are regarding the use of EFT in a private practice.

With that said, most Emotional Freedom Technique courses are taught online, and most are self-paced. This isn't usually a course that you will find in your college catalogue, although with continued research and popularity, it could be in college catalogues before another decade passes.

While there are courses that are instructor led, available online, it is recommended that you only use the courses that come from the founder of EFT. It is also important to realize that while you are being taught EFT materials through this course, it is not recommended that you learn EFT from other sources, as the founder feels that it convolutes EFT as a whole if all practitioners are not learning and applying the exact same principles of EFT to all clients.

So, in effect, you can learn the Emotional Freedom Technique from someone else, as long as you are learning it from the correct source. This is especially important if you plan to get certified.

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

The Relationship Between Language and the Emotional Freedom Technique

Everything you think and say has an impact on your life. That impact could be bad or good, depending on whether the thoughts are bad or good. This is the relationship between language and the Emotional Freedom Technique.

In the Emotional Freedom Technique, it is essential that you eliminate negativity in your words and in your thoughts. This includes negative self talk, and negative word that you say to other people. You should start thinking of negativity as poison to your soul and your life, because that is exactly what it is.

If you think "I can never catch a break," then you can be sure that you will never catch a break in life for as long as you think in those terms. You've probably heard about making lemonade when life hands you lemons, and this is much like the affirmations that are used in the Emotional Freedom Technique. Bad things or undesirable things happen in life, and there is nothing that we can do to stop them. However, we can, with our words and our thoughts, react to those negatives with positivity, which completely changes how the event affects our lives, even if it cannot change the event.

Often, although we don't realize it, the negative things that occur in our lives occur because of our own negative thinking. We essentially attract those negative things into our lives. Does this mean that if we never have a negative thought or say another negative word that nothing negative will ever happen in our lives again? It doesn't mean this because we cannot control the thoughts and words of other people around us. It does, however, greatly limit the negativity in our own lives.

That old childhood adage about words not being able to hurt you is absolutely wrong. Words can hurt you very much - especially if they are coming from your own mouth. The same is true for thoughts. The sooner you get past the childhood notion that sticks and stones are the only things that can hurt you, the better off you will be. With that said, however, words from other people can hurt you only if you are going to allow those words to do so. This is where you should rely on the strength of your own positive words and thoughts, and the Emotional Freedom Technique the very most - to shield yourself from that negativity.

Language - whether it is thought or spoken - has a tremendous effect on our ability to move through life with few problems, and also gives us the ability to move past problems or events that have already occurred. This is what the Emotional Freedom Technique is all about.